პირველი ვის გამოცდილებასაც გაგიზიარებთ ფუად მოჰა ჰირაა. ის ეთიოპიაში ცხოვრობს და ჩინეთში ჭეძიანგის კუნგშანის უნივერსიტეტში დაამთავრა ბაკალავრის საფეხური, საერთაშორისო ბიზნესის მიმართულებით. შემდეგ კი ჭეძიანგის უნივერსიტეტში მაგისტრატურა, ბიზნესის მენეჯმენტის მიმართულებით. ფუადმა და მე ერთმანეთი ჯერ კიდევ 2017 წელს ჭეძიანგის კუნგშანგის უნივერსტეტში გავიცანით და დღემდე ძალიან ახლო მეგობრობა გვაკავშირებს. ქვემოთ კი უცვლელად გთავაზობთ მის წერილს ჩინეთში ცხოვრებასთან და სწავლასთან დაკავშირებით. მისი აზრით, ჩინელი მასწავლებლები ძალიან მეგობრულები არიან, სტუდენტური ცხოვრება კი ძალიან ფერადი და აქტიური ჰქონდა; უნივერსიტეტში სწავლის პარალელურად მან გაიცნო ბევრი ადამიანი, შეიძინა ბევრი მეგობარი, ღებულობდა მონაწილეობას სხვადასხვა აქტივობებში და ეცნობოდა განსხვავებულ კულტურას.
My life in China as a foreign student
When i decided to study in China, i was worried because from what i have read the way of life in China is completely different from my home country as well as the hard time to adjust and adapt their study life in China.
I remember my first weeks in school, China welcomed me well on the first days, since i has registrations to do i had to meet up with some teachers, coordinators and some foreign students too. The teachers and coordinators are very friendly and welcoming, and, the new students are as exciting as i am to explore the country and overcome the culture shock that we definitely expect.
The first semester was very vibrant as we experience new things about the country, trying to acknowledge the culture differences and try to adopt them, at the same time breaking the language barrier and try to overcome the challenge that comes with it.

The language and the food are what would be the first culture shock people do experience. The rest follows. As explorers say Culture is like an iceberg, what you experience easily is just a tip of it and the rest and the deep one takes some time to experience and to get used to. For instance thoughts, ideas, customs, religion, way of thinking and all that.
International students studying in China have many great things to look forward to. The big cities in China offer some of the best hobbies and activities around. There is also a number of exciting activities available to students including karaoke, movie theaters, ice skiing and lake activities like water skiing, boating and kayaking. Students who like sports will also enjoy China, as the Chinese love soccer, badminton, ping pong, martial arts and basketball. All this activities are what mase my life in china as lively as possible. When i am graduated from my major i also acquired a lot of hobbies that i didn't have before. calligraphy, ping pong and karaoke to be on the top of that list.

The campus life in China universities is rich, colorful and fulfilling. I found campus life in China vibrant and welcoming with many opportunities to get involved in events and activities that might attract and interest you. Nearly all the universities have offered various fully equipped facilities for the convenience of students for spare time sports activities.
When i decide to study in China, they are embarking a new journey of study life and step out from their comfort zone. In my stay i was trained to be more independence, flexible, enjoy the unexpected and meeting new people and cultures from many countries around you.
For me tertiary education is not just about time spent in lecture rooms. It's more than that. It's emphasize the social spaces available to you, and the activities, societies and students' associations that you join. It's about gaining well-rounded experience with new friends from across the world. It's also about feeling safe and comfortable in your surroundings and conducive study environment that count.